Sunday, December 2, 2012

About Deadlines

Normally, I love deadlines.  They give me a finite amount of time to procrastinate. 

When deadlines are self-imposed, they seem more wishy-washy.  Except, I was serious about my deadline for CRY ME A RIVER.  And, I was serious about getting a play script together for my High School drama group for LTC.

However, due to some plot snags and some huge deviations from my original outline, I managed to get the entire manuscript finished about a month before my deadline.  Then editing happened.  I had to change a lot.  I had Create Space formatting problems.  I wrestled with look and feel of the book. 

Finally, I submitted a (mostly) edited copy for proofing.  I ordered that proof copy about a week before my deadline. It took six days to receive the proofs. 

Granted, the cover looks stupendous.  However, I am finding more and more corrections to make.  In addition, I have it submitted to two beta readers and my copy editor (my wife).  She is still poring over the book and so I get regular updates on more of my idiotic mistakes.  However, she isn't finished.  Plus, I still haven't received feedback from my two beta readers. 

Once the editing/beta reading stage is finished, I will get it edited, re-formatted and submitted for publication immediately.  So far, the changes are minor.  It is such a good story, I am excited to have people read it.

But,  I feel like I am missing some opportunity.  I wanted to make the Christmas rush.

This whole deadline thing got me to thinking.  Why am I so concerned about a deadline?  I am not going to get demoted.  Although many people are still looking for gifts for the holidays, I think the post-Christmas boom for ebooks will be greater than the pre-Christmas sales.

And the play.  Well.  I am just being lazy.  I want to get it written.  I even have some great ideas that fit the theme and meet the criteria of the group.  I am just feeling like it won't get done until January.  I think my feeling is that over the next four hectic weeks, my drama group is NOT going to memorize their lines.  The only good thing is that if I prepare it for the deadline tomorrow, we will be able to make changes to it so that we can have an edited copy by January's practice. 


Now I think I am ambivalent to deadlines.  Sure, they still give me a finite time in which to procrastinate.  However, I just want more time.

Do you relish or dread deadlines?  Or, are do you care?

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